StrongerTherapeutic Counseling Services

Hello, Amazing.

Welcome to Stronger, we’re happy that you’re here.

We know that it takes courage to look inside and decide you want more. As a human, business owner, or corporation wanting more is not selfish but rather an opportunity to live authentically and create the dream life that you know is possible. We believe that learning to cope with challenges is a skill that can be taught and will unlock the strength that has always been within you and that’s where we can help!


“There will always be a reason you meet people. Either you need them to change your life or you’re the one that will change theirs.”
-Angel Floris Harefa

Stronger Therapeutic Counselings Services was designed to be a place that can educate, strengthen, inspire and create lasting changes. We believe that education inspires awareness and awareness is what sparks changes, that we not only feel good about but are excited to implement and sustain.

In our practice we promote personal growth, mental wellness, and improved happiness for adults, tweens, teens our community and corporations. Together, we partner with our clients to help discover and begin to utilize existing personal strengths to live a life with a stronger sense of purpose, fulfillment, and gratification to begin feeling more connected, motivated, inspired, and intentional for the life you live each day.